Freelancer Wiki

The Corsair M10 Class Titan Very Heavy Fighter is a Very Heavy Fighter used exclusively by the Corsairs in the Edge Worlds as well as the Omega-41 system.


Titan vhf yukon

Corsair M10 Class "Titan" VHF @ Battleship Yukon, California

Infocard Entry[]

The Corsairs’ survival is rooted in their ability to survive and adapt. The Titan is no different. On the surface, the design is somewhat visually similar to the M7 Class. However, the power system is a revolutionary step forward and the armor rating is the heaviest available. This provides maximum offensive and defensive capabilities while still delivering speed and maneuverability. This ship is, in short, the one.


The Titan is the:

  1. most expensive player-purchasable vessel in the game;
  2. last vessel unlocked by the player, at Level 32; and
  3. only vessel pre-equipped with a Class 8 shield generator (Adv. Protector Graviton Shield).

The Titan's armor rating is the highest among all player-purchasable vessels and it can hold the most Shield Batteries and Nanobots. In addition, the Titan's powerplant is unique, providing even more power and charge than the powerplants used on the Civilian CTE-6000 Eagle Very Heavy Fighter and Borderworld Series Z Sabre Very Heavy Fighter. Despite it having 6 gun and 1 turret hardpoints, the turret can only shoot diagonally forwards and upwards, so the Titan usually relies on its 6 gun hardpoints for direct firepower. While the Titan shares the same turn rate as the Order 07A Anubis Very Heavy Fighter and Sabre, its greater mass means thruster inputs may feel less responsive. Size-wise, the Titan is smaller than the other Very Heavy Fighters, making it a little harder to hit at range (although the M fighter's large wingspan still makes it a big target when viewed from top or below); if the lower fin of the Titan is removed, it also becomes very resilient against missile weapons because of the reduced number of subgroups and the Titan's high armor rating mitigating the amount of impact damage applied.

Due to its superior raw statistics versus all other fighters in the game and the AI having more difficulties hitting smaller ships over agile ones, the Titan is widely considered one of the best vessels in the game for fighting NPCs. Along with both the Eagle and Sabre, the Titan is considered an "end-game vessel" and the ultimate purchase for most players playing Freelancer post-campaign.

